SHEESH. Good for you. What nonsense you've had to endure. I hear about neighborhoods policing people's property, but that is not my experience in the ones I've lived in. Our yard/garden would be a nightmare in those places. At a minimum, we just overseeded our lawn with micro clover and it's beautiful and the pollinators love it.

Admittedly the downside of NOT policing such things is that people like my neighbors two houses down can let their back yard fill up with actually noxious weeds that reseed into everyone else's yard, but honestly, I'll take that and deal with it over the alternative.

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Jul 13Liked by Natalie Ward

Thank you! You did good for all the people in the world, for the world itself and, of course, the bees. How ridiculous has the world become? We pay out of our income to "help" the world yet cannot let the world grow to help itself for free.... Thank you.

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It’s been a trip. Bylaw, man. Mike is going to call them again tomorrow asking for a notice that is actually correctly worded. They were quite happy to show up at ours a total of 5 times now, if you count last week’s double drive past.

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What I have found interesting is that in cities that have revised their bylaws, they have listed specific noxious plants that are a no go (from poison ivy to ragweed). And I think that makes more sense. It was just so disheartening, Jenn. Blarg. I am going to reseed our lawn with clover this fall too!! I think it’s such a great way to add food, while also making your lawn full under your feet!

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Greetings from Ireland! What a bizarre course of events. Dystopian. Well done you for standing up against this injustice. I love wild blooms too, nature's arrangement. I wrote a little about it here on a recent trip to 'Bloom', where wildflowers were the toast of the winning gardens.

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This is bonkers!

My dad’s previous house’s garden was on what’s called green belt land in England. It means only native plants and trees can be planted there, but native is kind of subjective as some plants have been in the uk a verrrrrry long time but wouldn’t be classed as native.

My dad just had grass so wasn’t in trouble but his neighbour got inspected. She just put native (by the council’s definition) labels on the trees and passed! They mooched around her garden in suits with clipboards pretending they knew their stuff but clearly didn’t.

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Wow. That's awful. Good for you for writing that letter. Hopefully things will change for the better now.

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Good grief. That is one mean neighbour. But good for you for doing the Right Thing. Small actions make all the difference.

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